Why use coaching?
It’s simple, it works. It is difficult to put an exact figure on the return on investment of coaching. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the mean for companies investing in coaching was seven times the initial investment. By any standards this is a good investment return.
Coaching is so effective because people are;
More likely to act on the changes they have identified because they came up with the idea
Often unaware of their own potential. Most people have so much untapped potential and coaching helps formulate the ideas and thinking that has not been developed or drawn out of someone. Coaching helps people think about things in different ways, sometimes solving problems they have been struggling with for a long time. It is a great confidence boost and learning experience for people and the vast majority of those who have participated in quality coaching would recommend it to others.
Sometimes resentful of being told what to do. This is a common trait in some intelligent and successful people who have managed to solve their own problems in the past. Coaching can help people think clearly through their issues and help them choose the approach they are committed to reach their potential.
When to use coaching?
People tend to use a coach when they need thinking time and support to work through transition or challenge. Some of the most common situations include:-
Working out what career steps or choices to take
Transition points in a career that can be a promotion, maternity, moving internally or on secondment
First 100 days of a new job
Strategic planning/project thinking
Developing your leadership style
Developing high potential people
Managing balance in life and stress
Driving business growth
Thinking time when things are getting tough/ or someone has a difficult problem to solve
Integrating a new hire
Fixing something that’s holding them back e.g. effective leadership
However, people find that coaching benefits them in any and every phase of their career if they have an open mind and are ready to improve and develop.
A common theme amongst high achievers is the desire and need to constantly learn new things, evolve and develop the skills that they already possess — personal coaching is an ideal and proven way to unlock any untapped potential.
What does a coaching programme often look like?
The below diagram illustrates what the standard set-up for a coaching programme. This however should be adapted for each person to make sure you get what you need from your coaching.